Consider the Constitution
Consider the Constitution is a podcast from the Robert H. Smith Center for the Constitution at James Madison's Montpelier. The show provides insight into constitutional issues that directly affect every American. Hosted by Dr. Katie Crawford Lackey the podcast features interviews with constitutional scholars, policy and subject matter experts, heritage professionals, and legal practitioners.
Consider the Constitution
Comparative Constitutional Law with Dr. Mila Versteeg
In this episode of "Consider the Constitution," Dr. Katie Crawford-Lackey interviews Dr. Mila Versteeg, a professor at the University of Virginia School of Law, about modern democratic governance and the role of constitutions. They discuss the differences between the U.S. Constitution and those of other countries, the importance of citizens in enforcing constitutional rights, and the challenges of maintaining fidelity to the Constitution in hyperpartisan environments. Dr. Versteeg emphasizes the significance of citizen engagement in safeguarding democracy.